Friday, 18 November 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius: The Joy of Exploration!

On November 23, 2022, at 10:57pm, GMT, there is a New Moon taking place in the optimistic and travel-loving sign of Sagittarius. Like every New Moon, this one too calls for us to make a new beginning in that area of one’s horoscope where it happens to occur. Due to the sign’s nature, beginnings related to educational, legal, religious and travel issues, as well as foreign relations, are favored. It is, in fact, the first new moon after the intense and stressful eclipses of October 25 and November 8. Therefore, if one also takes into account the relaxed and spontaneous nature of Sagittarius, this New Moon promises more relaxation, joy and good times.

With the additional fact that the New Moon takes place while Jupiter, its dispositor, goes direct and Mercury leaves the bounds of the ecliptic, one understands that this is a new and special beginning characterized by an almost unrestrained drive for freedom and for opening new horizons which under normal circumstances one might not even think of exploring. Caution is needed, however, because any new exploration involves risk, which in this case may be great and the obsession with success even greater. Such a reckless or careless attitude, however, may lead to competitive conditions that fuel unusual or extreme acts of undermining by competitors of ours (Mercury and Venus conjunct Antares, retrograde and out-of-bounds Mars conjunct Bellatrix and square Neptune).

Therefore, to the extent that we have a relaxed – rather than obsessive – attitude towards things, this New Moon promises joy and success that will allow for a festive mood, much needed now that the holiday season is slowly beginning. Thus, the feeling of leaving behind fears of the past for good can prevail. After all, pleasant communications and beautiful travels will easily be able to heal wounds of the past (Mercury-Venus in Sagittarius in trine with Chiron, Lights in trine with Jupiter). So then, what new horizons will you want to explore and whom with?

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