Saturday, 13 May 2023

New Moon in Taurus: Grounding the Love


There is a New Moon taking place on May 19, 2023, at 3:53pm, GMT, in the earthy and realistic sign of Taurus. It is the first new moon after the April-May eclipse period and it, thus, brings more calm and peace following the ‘turmoil’ that the eclipses may have brought about. After all, Mercury is now back to direct motion, slowly but steadily allowing for the resolution of outstanding issues that were created during the previous month, if not earlier, especially on a financial, practical or material level. It is encouraging that the resolution of the above issues seems to come in almost ideal terms, giving the opportunity for regeneration, rejuvenation and recovery of forces in order for one to take important initiatives and follow them through (Lights in sextile with Mars and Neptune, Lights trine Pluto).

Additionally, the New Moon in Taurus is the first to follow Jupiter's entry into the same sign, where the planet of luck will remain until May 25, 2024, with its retrograde period beginning on September 4 and ending on December 31, 2023. Therefore, this New Moon gives us a foretaste of the significant push that Jupiter can bring to agriculture and rural development as well as to financial, material and practical issues that until now may have seemed stuck (Mercury in shadow period following retrogradation). However, a basic condition for this push will be a radical change in the way one used to act and behave, with all the insecurities and related obstacles this may entail (Jupiter atop a T-square with Mars-Pluto).

Within the context of any radical change that one may be in preparation of, caution will be needed in daring or risky ventures because the overestimation of forces is possible (Mars-Jupiter-Pluto T-square). Fortunately, the Mercury-Saturn sextile will help one with grounding and getting in touch with reality, so that overestimation of forces is avoided. Finally, Venus in Cancer reminds us that no new beginning is going to thrive or take root unless it is done with love, care and affection (Venus = Moon/Sun). So, what or whom will you love and dedicate yourself to?

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