In my previous post I talked about how each zodiac sign from Pisces through to Libra are expected to incorporate the energies of Mercury retrograde in Pisces. Following from that, I will now discuss how the rest of the signs, that is, Virgo through to Aries, are expected to incorporate these energies. I remind you that Mercury will turn retrograde on March 23rd and won't go back into direct motion until April 3rd. Mercury, though, will be in direct motion in the same sign from February 15th to March 2nd and from April 3rd to April 16th, which means that our communications, transportations and commercial dealings will be pretty much emotional, imaginative and rather vague and confusing in the majority of the time between February 15th and April 16th. Furthermore, the areas of life that will be affected by this Mercurian transit will be the same for most of the time between February 15th and April 16th. These areas are explained in more detail below for each zodiac sign.
Friday 24 February 2012
Wednesday 22 February 2012
Mercury in Pisces in Relation to Our Zodiac Sign – Part I
I would like to dedicate this post to the relationship between Mercury retrograde in Pisces and our zodiac sign. In my previous post I explained how this upcoming Mercury in retrograde may signify unusually emotional and compassionate, albeit vague and confusing, communications but also extraordinarily imaginative and creative ideas. Therefore, in this post, as well as in the next one, I will explain how each zodiac sign is expected to incorporate these energies. Following the tradition of my blog related to starting from Pisces and moving clockwise in the zodiac, this post will cover Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Libra, whereas the next one will cover Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus and Aries. I remind you that Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Pisces from March 23rd until April 3rd; nevertheless, it will be transiting the same sign in direct motion from February 15th to March 2nd and from April 3rd to April 16th.
Monday 20 February 2012
Mercury in Pisces: Direct from February 15 to March 2 and Retrograde from March 23 to April 3
Mercury, the planet of communication, intelligence, learning, commerce and short-distance travelling, is currently transiting the sign of Pisces and on March 3rd it will enter the sign of Aries. There it will start its retrograde motion on March 12th and will thus re-enter Pisces on March 23rd. Finally, Mercury will go back into direct motion on April 3rd but will only leave the sign of Pisces on April 16th and won’t go back to retrograde motion until next July. The usual reaction of people on hearing that Mercury is turning retrograde involves anxiety, worry or even indignation, because of the expected delays, failures and misunderstandings in communications, transportations and commercial transactions, which Mercury in retrograde is renowned for.
Friday 3 February 2012
2012 Predictions by zodiac sign: Part III
Following from my previous post, this one will also focus on some of the insights that we can get from the stars regarding the ways in which 2012 could unfold in relation to our zodiac sign. Following the tradition of my blog related to starting from Pisces and moving clockwise in the zodiac, this final post will cover the rest of the zodiac signs, that is, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus and Aries. The main astrological indicators that I will focus on are the transits of Jupiter and Saturn, although I will take into account transits of the faster moving planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) as well as those of the slower moving planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Jupiter will remain in the sign of Taurus until June 11th 2012 and will then move to Gemini where it will stay until June next year. On the other hand, Saturn won’t change signs until October 5th 2012 at which time it will leave Libra for good in order to enter Scorpio and stay there for 2.5 years. Concerning the slower moving planets, Pluto and Uranus will remain in Capricorn and Aries, respectively, whereas today (February 3rd 2012) Neptune changes signs for good in order to return to its natural ‘habitat’, that is, Pisces.
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