Sunday, 24 June 2018

Full Moon Across Cancer-Capricorn: Work, Work, Work!

On June 28 2018 at 4:52am, GMT, there is a Full Moon taking place across the Cancer-Capricorn axis, the axis of material and emotional security, and, just like it happens with every Full Moon, this one too calls for us to strike the right balance between two opposing forces. Presently, with the Sun in Cancer disposited by the Moon in Capricorn in conjunction with dignified Saturn, it is clear that the balance tilts significantly towards Capricorn, hence toward the need for material security, professional duties and programming. Therefore, if there is anything that this Full Moon illuminates, the last one before the upcoming July 13 solar eclipse, that is undoubtedly the need for work, order, discipline and a realistic approach so that an important chapter in our lives can end.

If one also takes into account the fact that Mars has just gone retrograde, they realize that issues that have been pending at least since mid-May, when Mars was entering his shadow period, require urgent adjustment or revision. This way, one will be able to digest and maybe postpone for after August 27, when Mars turns direct, any actions or initiatives of a collective, pioneering or subversive nature. Simultaneously, Mars in Aquarius is conjunct the Moon’s South Node, Mercury has returned within bounds and is located at Mars’ pure fall while the North Node activates the Mercury/Venus midpoint. All these clues reveal that one needs to eliminate aggressive and disruptive patterns of behavior in order to cultivate harmony and flexibility in their thoughts and communications, however unrealistic this may sound (Venus quincunx Neptune).

Of course, there will be unexpected developments that will destabilize the above effort (Mercury-Uranus square and Mars = Venus / Uranus), but at least the trines Jupiter forms with the Sun and Neptune favor the spirit of forgiveness, generosity and magnanimity. Finally, the trine Mercury forms with Chiron, atop a separating T-Square with the Full Moon axis, is therapeutic and helps to heal wounds and feelings of inferiority recently caused. In any case, Chiron’s imminent retrogradation in just seven days intensifies the need to rethink our inner wounds and heal them by accepting their existence. We wish you enjoy the Full Moon!

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