Tuesday, 21 April 2020

New Moon in Taurus: Security Glorified!

On April 23, 2020, at 2:25am, GMT, there is a New Moon taking place in the earthly, practical and sensual sign of Taurus. Like every New Moon, this one too marks a new beginning in that area of ​​one's horoscope where it happens to fall. Presently, with the Lights at the degree of the Moon’s pure exaltation, the new beginning glorifies the need for material and emotional security by directly illuminating issues of conflict between the old and the modern (participation of Lights in the Saturn-Uranus square). Thus, the new beginning pushes us to leave the past behind along with all the burdens and obligations (separating square of Lights with Saturn) in order to introduce more freedom and renewal into our lives (Lights conjunct Uranus).

The need for rupture with the past and any restrictions that came along with it (Mercury at the degree of Saturn’s pure fall) seems to prevail on the mind, but the 'doctrine of terror' signaled by the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is still very active. This is the main obstacle to any effort to relax restrictions on movement (Mercury’s applying square with Jupiter-Pluto). Further obstacle is the uncertainty and confusion about what exactly the next step should be so as not to endanger one’s safety (Neptune in a semi-square with the Lights and in a square with Venus, dispositor of the Lights). However, just two days after the New Moon, Pluto turns retrograde and brings the urgent need to review and re-examine the "doctrine of terror": this will probably lead to a gradual mitigation of the generalized atmosphere of crisis and threat in May.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Venus, the dispositor of the Lights, remains out of bounds in Gemini and in a trine with Mars in Aquarius, pushing many in search of innovative and unusual solutions or ways to connect, make money and pursue goals despite, or maybe because of, any restrictions (Venus-Saturn sesquisquare). In addition, there seems to be an excessive value attributed to learning and mental activities that helps open up brand new horizons that allow for optimism (Venus = Sun/Jupiter = Moon/Jupiter). In any case, we wish you enjoy the New Moon!

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