Sunday, 3 September 2017

Full Moon Across Virgo-Pisces: Escaping from Everyday Life!

On September 6th 2017 at 7:02am, GMT, there is a Full Moon taking place with the Moon in the emotional, romantic, dreamy and chaotic sign of Pisces and the Sun in the opposite practical, realistic, orderly and laborious sign of Virgo. Therefore, the present Full Moon calls for striking the right balance between work and relaxation; order and chaos; realism and romance or imagination. In fact, with the Moon being conjunct Neptune the need for relaxation, daydreaming and escaping from everyday life is all the more pronounced.

This need is further supported by Mercury in Leo turning direct while activating the Moon/Venus, Sun/Venus and Venus/Neptune midpoints. Therefore, entertaining and enjoyable conversations, travels and escapes that had been pending since the 23rd July New Moon when Mercury occupied the same degree it occupies now, resurface and make everyday life more delightful. In fact, Pluto from Capricorn is atop an ambivalent trine where the Full Moon axis is involved and, thus, facilitates things by allowing for the transformation of one’s everyday life and work so that there is more room for relaxation and entertainment.

Of course, with Mars having already entered Virgo and with the Lights and Neptune closely activating the Mars/Chiron and Mercury/Chiron midpoints, respectively, this Full Moon seems to emphasize the inability to immediately implement romantic ideas and visions. The reason is related to a great deal of details that need to be tended to by October 22nd 2017 when Mars leaves Virgo for Libra. Nevertheless, the trine that Uranus forms with both Mercury and Mars easily brings unexpected solutions to any obstacles that one may encounter while implementing the ideas and visions mentioned above. In any case, we wish you enjoy this Full Moon by making sure you escape from everyday life!

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