Monday, 8 July 2013

New Moon in Cancer: Delving into the past and settling outstanding issues!

On July 8th at 7.14 am GMT there is a New Moon on the 16th degree of Cancer. The New Moon always implies that there is a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon, that is, a union between the Spirit and the Soul. This union involves the fertilization of the Soul with new inspirations and ideals provided by the Spirit. For this reason a New Moon is the ideal time to take a leap forward. However, is this totally true of this New Moon on July 8th?

The truth is that this New Moon takes place in Cancer, the zodiac sign that is ruled by the Moon and that is associated with our past, our roots and whatever or whoever represents them, such as our homeland, parents and family. Additionally, this New Moon is accompanied by Mercury in retrograde motion, which means that our mind will be focused on the past and specifically on ideas and communications that took place ​​around the middle of June when Mercury was in the same position as now. Moreover, Saturn goes back into direct motion and reminds us that we can move forward with greater openness and momentum in professional projects or other issues that require time and effort on our part and that started around mid-November 2012 when Saturn was once more in the same position as now. In concert with Mercury retrograde, I believe that we need to revise and reconsider ideas and opinions that occupied our mind around mid-November 2012. Therefore, this is definitely a New Moon that has to do with delving into the past in order to settle outstanding issues

More specifically, this new Moon invites us to be enlightened with new ideas (inferior conjunction between Sun and Mercury) regarding our past, our home, our family life and our country. Indeed, the hard aspects of the New Moon with Uranus and Pluto, as well as the trine to Chiron, reveal that a certain violent break with the past is about to occur that can stir our emotional wounds. These aspects also reveal that we only keep those things from the past which are of some use in the present. Many of us though may cling to old ideas, thus creating tensions and conflicts. The break from the past can take the form of migration, repatriation, relocation away from our parents’ house or back into their house. It can also take the form of losing one of our ancestors or going through a major renovation of our home, while relationships from the past can come back into our lives, suddenly turn serious and end equally suddenly. 

Finally, let us note that the New Moon takes place with a grand trine in water between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. This planetary pattern is able to bring deep fulfillment but also devastating negation (Saturn in Scorpio) of big dreams and ideals (Neptune in Pisces) associated with opportunities for creating and/or preserving family and emotional ties (Jupiter in Cancer). Moreover, the grand trine in water encourages emotional expression and healing through contacting our emotional world and bringing to the surface whatever it is that makes us fearful. In any case, the new ideas with which this New Moon illuminates us won’t move forward until after July 19th when Mercury goes back into direct motion, while these ideas won’t bear fruit until after August 24th when the superior conjunction between Sun and Mercury takes place. Enjoy the New Moon!

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