Saturday, 8 March 2014

Hungary, Ukraine and Jupiter’s return to direct motion…

On the occasion of Jupiter going back to direct motion in Cancer, I suggest you (re-) read the article I had written last summer regarding the entrance of Jupiter in Cancer (click here to read the article). Among other things, I had mentioned back then that August 13 and March 6 would be two very important dates for Jupiter’s transit through Cancer. I had also mentioned the possibility of liberation from economic slavery and the possibility of civil war in or dissolution of countries that have planets / angles near the 11th degree of Aquarius. Furthermore, I had indicated the likelihood of national liberation movements in Russia. Keep on reading to understand how the cases of Hungary and Ukraine confirm what I had written last summer.

In support of what I had written back then, I remind you that on August 12th (the day before August 13th) Hungary was ‘liberated’ from its financial subjugation to the International Monetary Fund (click here to read the announcement which hadn’t been given much attention in the news). I also remind you that these days (that is around March 6th) we are in the middle of experiencing a potential split-up in a country that combines the astrological ("11th degree of Aquarius") and geopolitical characteristics ("national liberation movements in Russia") that I had outlined in my article regarding Jupiter in Cancer.

Of course I am referring to Ukraine: on the one hand, this country is on the brink of a split-up following the separatist tendencies of the Russian population of the Crimean peninsula while on the other hand this country has an astrological chart where the 11th degree of Aquarius is of crucial importance. Actually, according to astrology weekly, there are two possible astrological maps for Ukraine (click here to see them). It is interesting to note that in both maps there are two planets on the same exact degrees of Aquarius. The one planet is found on the 1st degree of Aquarius (either Saturn or the Sun) while the other planet is found on the 22nd degree of the same sign (either the Moon or Uranus). Their midpoint, that is the average distance between these two degrees, falls exactly on the 11th degree of Aquarius, the degree I had considered to be of great importance in charts of countries that would be candidate for civil strife and split-ups.

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